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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent

Finally I did it!! I have attempted and failed at making liquid laundry detergent in the past. I have also made powdered laundry detergent which worked but took a really really long time to make. I actually combined two concepts to make this detergent. This recipe from icanteachmychild and this recipe from budget101.

Basically I followed all of the instructions from icanteachmychild but at the point when you add the borax and washing soda I also added the 1 cup of purex scent crystals. I also used 2 bars of Fels Naptha soap instead of 1 because in the past I thought my detergent was too runny. It did take about 1 and a half total. But I think this detergent will last us several months! Totally worth it in my opinion. As you can tell I got more detergent than I thought I would and started to run out of containers.

I ended up with about 10 gallons of detergent for less than $10.

What I think made the difference this time....
-Heat everything until it is hot and steaming not boiling.
-Make sure the water you add is hot (steaming)
-Use a paint stirring drill bit and drill
-When you dilute the mixture at the end use cool water and run it really slow to prevent sudsing

Hope this helps. Please message me if you have any questions! Thanks for stopping by!

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