This is the umbrella I ordered. It is sitting happily in our living room still in the box. I want nothing more than to open it and check it out but that makes no sense. So it will remain in the box until we get to the new house.
I love this fabric from fabric.com. There are some other coordinating prints I could use too for accents. Fabric is just so expensive I would really rather find an outdoor table cloth or something at a thrift store that I can use to make cushions. But I do love these colors and print.
This will likely be our next purchase it is only $29 at walmart and it has great reviews! SOLD!
If we make a table it will be this one from ana-white's plans.
If we buy one it will likely be this one from overstock.com for $159.99. Which would be about the same cost as making the table above because we would have to buy some tools to make it. But if we make a table we would then have a table and new tools....We will see it will probably come down to if my husband has the time and energy to help me make it.
I plan to make some of these adorable can lanterns. I have seen this project around for years and I still love it. (thecraftycrow)
I love the pops of color with the lime and teal planters. (prudentbaby)
Lights like these from Target would be a nice touch.
Also cute diy lanterns. (yourcozyhome)
Love this inexpensive window box project. I think this would be great on our front porch or under the kitchen window for herbs! Maybe both...?
DIY Flower pots!
Fantastic container garden!
Raised bed vegetable garden! Still have to ask the landlord about this one! These are from ana-white.
I love being outside in the spring and summer months. I have always loved gardening. I think I could buy everyplant at the greenhouse and love every single one of them. I can't wait until we are more settled and can actually buy a house so we can plant some of my favorite perrenials like lilacs, peonies, daffodils and tulips!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have enjoyed all of my new home inpsiration posts! This is the last one so the next time I post about the house I should be posting some moving day and before pics for your veiwing pleasure! See you soon!